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Chip Chromium

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Chromium (III) is a trace mineral that is found naturally in a variety of foods, and is also found in supplements. It has been linked to several health benefits, including improving insulin action and reducing metabolic syndrome.

Deficiency of chromium is rare, but it can be caused by certain medical conditions, such as anemia, thrombocytopenia, liver disease, kidney disease, or rhabdomyolysis [2,5,6,10]. There is no clinically defined chromium deficiency state, and the Food and Nutrition Board did not establish a dietary limit for chromium.

chip chromium allows for the identification of individual cells and nuclei at a scale that is unprecedented. It performs tens of thousands of single cell partitions, each with an identifying barcode, in minutes. The instrument footprint is small, and can easily integrate into existing laboratory infrastructure.

10X Genomics offers a range of gene expression assays that use the Chromium instrument to capture molecular readouts from hundreds to tens of thousands of cells or nuclei per chip in a single run. The suite of chromium products can be used to analyze a variety of biological processes, including gene expression, cell surface proteins, immune clonotype, and antigen specificity.

The Chromium instrument uses Next GEM technology to enable single cell analysis at a scale that is unprecedented. It uses advanced microfluidics to perform single cell partitioning and barcoding in a matter of minutes. The cell partitioning process involves combining cells with gel beads that contain reverse transcription primers. These primers allow a single cDNA molecule to be reverse transcribed and localized within a single partition following cell lysis. The resulting mRNA molecules are then labeled with an identifying 10X barcode sequence that is unique to all cDNA molecules localized in the same partition.