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CNT Chemical Formula

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CNT (carbon nanotube) is a large macromolecule made of carbon. It has exceptional physical and chemical properties. These features make it a very suitable material for biological applications.

CNTs have excellent electrical and thermal properties. This makes them useful as contrast imaging agents for optical and magnetic resonance applications. They can be used to make electro-mechanical sensors.

CNTs can be systematically varied to produce novel nanomaterials. One method of synthesis is based on a continuous laser beam. A pulsed laser beam can also be used to create CNTs. In addition, a variety of starting agents such as alkyl or aryl peroxides are used.

As an example, a simple macroscopic assembly of CNTs can yield a sensor with change in inductance due to mechanical strain. The resulting tensile and compressive forces can be measured with a scanning electron microscopy probe.

CNTs can be combined with other materials to produce hybrid functional materials. They are known to withstand elevated temperatures and can bend without damage.

Moreover, they have the capacity to adsorb molecules. The non-covalent bonds between the adsorbed molecules and the CNTs can hold them in place. Similarly, they can also be incorporated in polymeric substances to enhance mechanical strength.

In addition, CNTs have the ability to immobilize DNA. Therefore, they can be used for tissue engineering. However, they are not biodegradable. Hence, a systematic biological evaluation of their properties is needed to determine their pharmacokinetics and optimal dosages.

The potential of CNTs in various fields of research has stimulated a number of scientists to pursue the technology. For instance, they have been used for artificial valves in cardiology. Additionally, they can be incorporated into a drug delivery system for cancer treatment.

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